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Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started College

Grace Micucci

As I approach the last couple weeks of my senior year, I’ve decided to take a moment to reflect on the last four years. It’s so hard to believe my college experience is almost over when it feels like freshmen year was only a short time ago. My classmates and I will graduate in just a few short weeks, follow a job or a passion to a new city, and start a new life. There are so many things that I wish I knew before I began my college experience and I’d like to take this opportunity to share them as I close this chapter of my life.


It’ll Be Gone in a Second

After going through high school, which feels like an eternity, I’m sure an incoming freshman wouldn’t believe me if I told them college goes by in a blink of an eye. Through so many hours of class, homework, projects, and studying, I still can’t believe that I’m already a senior in college. I’ve always found that the days are long, the weeks are quick, and the year overall is even quicker. I would encourage every underclassman to cherish and appreciate the present because even though the work is hard and the nights are long, you’ll miss this when it’s gone. Having the chance to spend every day with your friends and laugh through all of the stress is something I wouldn’t trade in for anything.

You’re Exactly Where You’re Meant to be

I don’t believe in coincidences or making the “wrong” decision. Whatever you do in life is what you were meant to do, so don’t worry if you’re not where you expected to be. It can be hard to shake the idea of being on the right track or disregard the paper you wrote in high school explaining “where you think you’ll be in four years”. Either way, it’s important to recognize that you’re where you are in life for a reason. If you want to change your major but you’re worried you’ll regret it, don’t! If it’s a better fit for you, don’t worry about changing your plans. You don’t have to have everything figured out to be on your right track.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

This is certainly easier said than done, but it’s advice that I wish I took in my earlier years of school. There are so many amazingly talented individuals out there and it can be such a challenge not to compare yourself and your work to theirs. Imposter syndrome is a very real thing, and more people experience it than you probably realize. Just know that surrounding yourself with great talent is a positive thing and should not be seen as a threat but rather a chance to learn and grow. It can be so easy to turn competitive in college, but if you focus on your own work, believe it in, and even learn from others along the way, you’ll win no matter what you do.

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