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My Favorite Thrifted Finds

Serena Romanoli

When people hear the word “thrifted” they often think of clothes that nobody wants, so therefore people never give it a chance. I am here to tell you that thrifting is one of the most underrated ways of shopping. I have found some of my favorite clothing items from thrift shops. At first I was a little intimidated, but I really found a love for thrifting. Now that its become one of my favorite hobbies, I will never give it up. Looking in my closet, the items that always catch my eye first are the ones I thrifted. When it comes to thrifted items, there is always something so meaningful because you never know the story behind a piece of clothing or jewelry before it was in your possession. In my eyes, that makes it more exciting. Below I will list my favorite thrifted items of all time.


Silk oversized jacket   

This oversized blue royal jacket has to be one of my favorite jackets of all time. This was my first thrited item I found from Philadelphia; the thrift shop I went to was called, “Urban Exchange”. Since I went on a Wednesday, it worked perfectly in my favor since they informed me that all college students like myself, are eligible for 20% off of my entire purchase. The quality and comfort of this jacket makes it feel like it has never even been used to begin with. The vibes of these jackets bring me back to an older time in life. I feel very confident when I where this jacket because of its royal blue color being so radiant.


Sparkly Cuff 

My sparkly cuff is by far the coolest piece of jewelry in my collection. When I first saw this item, right away I knew I had to get it because of how unique and interesting the piece is. I don't wear this often, but when I do, I always get countless people asking where I got it. My response is always that thrifting will lead you to some of the most priceless pieces. I love knowing that this item had a lifetime before it was in my possession so I feel like it's the sister of traveling pants but bracelet edition.


Gold Chain Belt   

Now let’s talk about this fun belt I found at the antique shop by my house. When I decide to go out, this is always my go to belt due to the comfort and how it matches anything. This was an accidental find while I was looking for vintage magazines. I walked past this mannequin with millions of belts on it and then something sparked my eye. Under all these belts was this perfect gold and silver belt. After contemplating whether or not I should buy it for 20 minutes, I decided to get it. Not only was it $5, but when I was checking out, the cashier told me this was her grandmother's belt from the 60’s. It made me smile to know exactly who it came from and how old it was. I recommend everyone to get a belt like this for the fall and winter. It's an incredible style that needs to be brought back.  



This is truly the most comfortable business attire blazer I have ever owned. This is the perfect jacket to wear during an interview or going out to a nice dinner. If I were to find this jacket brand new it would cost me a good amount of money. Since I thrifted this piece, I only paid $20 for a jacket I use countless times to look professional or just for fun. I was very lucky to have found a blazer that fits my body perfectly, and this color goes with absolutely everything. I have a thing for thrifted jackets, something about finding a nice quality jacket for cheap excites me the most. 


I can’t stress enough how exciting, and interesting thrifting can be. Who wouldn't want to find the most unique pieces for cheap to add to their closets? If you haven't given thrifting a chance, I hope you get out of your comfort zone and find the endless opportunities thrifting can offer.

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