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How To Stay Healthy With Social Media

Brielle Manzo

I think everyone has experienced the power of social media as it completely consumes you. Social media has brought us tons of great things, but as much good as it has brought us, there is just as much that could be seen as bad. Try to stay connected with the real world and not pressure yourself for that one good picture.


The craziness of social media has taken over the world. I have talked to so many people who tend to feel guilty about what they decide to post or not post. I know myself, I get way too sucked into different profiles and these inaccurate portrayals of “the perfect life.” We are constantly copying outfits and edits to try and win what seems to be this competition. None of this is realistic. Don’t worry about likes or comments or views or whatever else we stress about with social media. None of this matters. Post for yourself, not the rest of the world. Don’t be scared to take a cleanse. There is so much pressure put on us to always keep up with everything.

If you start to realize you are feeling anxious or stressed when looking at other profiles, maybe just delete your social media apps for a little. Trust me when I say you won’t miss anything. I started to get so lost in everything and constantly be scrolling through Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat. It had gotten to the point for me that felt so toxic. I knew I would feel bad if I was on it, but I still couldn’t stop myself from scrolling for hours. I didn’t want to keep going through the same cycle, so I decided to do a two-week social media cleanse. No social media for 14 days. To my friends or anyone my age, this was the craziest thing ever. The two-week cleanse was so beneficial for me. The first couple of days, I would catch myself going on my phone for no purpose and reaching for the Instagram or Snapchat app and it just wasn’t there.

After two weeks, I felt so much better and didn’t feel the need to rush and redownload everything. If you start feeling like you are being too detached from the real world, or comparing yourself too much, or feeling down about what you are or aren’t doing, etc… take a cleanse!! Seeing the pictures of others that look like they have the best life while you are laying in bed seems like the worst feeling. Keep in mind that everyone goes through boring and sad days too, but no one wants to show that side. Don’t compare your life day by day to another person. It is OKAY that your life isn’t perfect, no one’s is. The next time you are on social media, make sure you stop a take a second to see if what you are seeing or posting makes you happy. If not, make a change!! Only follow people who bring you comfort and inspiration and don’t pressure what you think everyone else wants to see.

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