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5 Tips to Start Loving Yourself

Brielle Manzo

Loving and cherishing yourself can help you go throughout life in so many ways. You are amazing!!! Let your beautiful self shine.

1. Don’t compare yourself.

Not comparing yourself to others is the number one thing to practice. It is hard to get used to, but especially with all the social media outlets in today’s world, a good thing to remember is to not compare yourself to others you see. The absolute most important thing to do is accept who you are.

2. Accept Flaws.

If you focus on all of your flaws, all of your perfections will dim. Flaws are beautiful! They make you stand out and give you individuality. More times than not, the one flaw that you might not like, is someone else’s favorite part about you.

3. Have Confidence.

Having confidence is easier said than done. A good tip to start with is to choose something you like about yourself. It might sound silly, but say a compliment about yourself outloud in the mirror or even to a friend. Saying your compliment aloud will spread positivity to yourself.

4. Be your own best friend.

No one knows you better than yourself. Spend time with yourself! Plan a day just to spend time doing your favorite things. Spending time alone will help you get comfortable with yourself and help you learn to cherish being you.

5. Treat yourself like someone you love.

You treat someone you love with so much respect, so much care, so much love, why not treat yourself the same? Give yourself compliments, treats, and spread positivity to yourself. <3

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